Who they were: Victims of the deadliest California wildfire

Who they were: Victims of the deadliest California wildfire



SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Pacific Gas & Electric pleaded guilty Tuesday to killing 84 of the 85 victims of an unprecedented 2018 wildfire in Northern California. A report later released by the district attorney detailed how they died. The remains of two victims are still unidentified.


Joyce Acheson, 78, of Paradise, was found inside her home. She had limited mobility and lived in an area that was closed off to public access, preventing any caregiver from getting to her.

Herbert Alderman, 80 of Paradise, had a severely sprained ankle that limited his mobility at the time of the fire. He made several phone calls to friends seeking rescue but was found inside his home.

Teresa Ammons, 82, of Paradise, died attempting to flee the fire. She was found outside her trailer with her purse nearby.

Rafaela Andrade, 84, of Paradise, could not walk without a walker, and did not have the ability to evacuate on her own. She was found inside her home.

Carol Arrington, 88, of Paradise, was found inside her home.

Julian Binstock, 88, of Paradise, was found with the remains of his dog in the shower of his home.

David Bradburd, 70, of Paradise, was near a power line knocked down by the fire outside his home.

Cheryl Brown, 75, of Paradise, was found in a recliner next to her husband, Larry Brown.

Larry Brown, 72, of Paradise, was found in a recliner next to his wife, Cheryl Brown.

Richard Brown, 74 of Concow, was found under his pickup truck outside his home, where he tried to hide from the fire.

Andrew Burt, 36 of Paradise, was found just outside the front passenger side door of a minivan with his dog. He was in the minivan trying to escape when the van was overcome by the fire. Three other vehicles with the remains of four other victims nearby.

Joanne Caddy, 75, of Magalia, was...

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