Extra! Extra! Read all about it later: How to save web articles for reading at a later time

Extra! Extra! Read all about it later: How to save web articles for reading at a later time



Even in an always-connected world, we may not be always ready to read something interesting that comes its way. The FOMORS (fear of missing out reading something) once led to a profusion of “read it later” services. These let you easily store an article for later review at your leisure. An article might be a formal piece of journalism, a blog entry, a recipe, or anything page oriented, no matter how long or short.

Many services have come and gone, but the two earliest, Pocket and Instapaper, have remained under development and are up to date. Evernote is an alternative, although it’s more of a “junk drawer” service in letting you collect all kinds of things, including clipping web articles, and then offers robust options to search later.

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