Nagasaki And The Shimoda Case: When The U.S. Was Tried For War Crimes And Found Guilty



Article by WN.Com Correspondent Dallas Darling. The mention of “war crimes” usually brings the Nazis and the Holocaust to mind. But the United States has its own dark history of scorched earth policies filled with massacres, rape, bio-chemical warfare, and concentration camps. While undergoing massacres, including women and children, American Indians and Filipinos died en masse in camps. There was the Rape of Okinawa, No Gun Ri, and Vietnam, and the war crimes committed at the Highway of Death, Abu Graib, and Haditha. War Crimes Over Nagasaki And then there was Nagasaki. Seventy-five hours after 100,000 Japanese died at Hiroshima, another 75,000 were killed at Nagasaki on August 9, 1945....

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