American presidential election and democracy look for change

American presidential election and democracy look for change



When false claims challenge the truth, it breeds fearful and ferocious public outcomes. No wonder, why the American masses are more divided today than any time in recent history. American presidential elections failed to produce a viable prospect for the working of democracy. The nation is entrenched in an unending political crisis, more of opinions than substantial truth and reality. Opinions vary but truth is not transient and adaptable.   American democracy appears to be unfolding many fault lines of time and historic consequences and being unable to see the reality beyond the obvious. Former President Obama published memoirs: "The Promised Land" emphasizing the distinction between truth and falsehood as if he had the current presidential elections in focus. At issue is the human character, leadership sense of responsibility and honesty, human equality, hopes for justice and truth digging. American masses are fast embracing the fear of an uncertain political future that could deplete the human patience and raise the threats of greater vulnerability to chaos and political darkness to sort out realism. President Trump claims that 2020 elections were rigged and/or were "fraudulent" and alleged false voting accounting in certain states. Joe Bidden (President Elect) views a fair and accountable process of the current presidential elections and its results as approximately 76M Americans voted for him to be the next elected president of America.  His voice of reasoning and legitimacy rests in "We, the People", the core value of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Not so, President Trump is challenging this notion in many states calling for recounts of the voting results and simultaneously echoing accusations of a "fraudulent and stolen election."  All of the 50 American States and other territories have systematic plans in place for local, regional and federal elections making the US democracy work for few centuries. Undoubtedly, competitive elections create contradictions, new challenges, hatred, and conflicts and often undermine the conception of goodness, virtue and honesty. Once the process is over, competent and intelligent proactive leaders heel the masses and workout unity of thoughts and coherent agendas for reconciliation and unity of minds for a better future.  In his victory speech, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did exactly that to console the American people as elected President and VP of all the American masses. The normality of transition of power to the elected president is in jeopardy as the Trump administration refuses to certify the outcomes and the President Elect encounters immense problems to plan for the future, not just to deal with COVID-19 massive pandemic and its dreadful impacts but how to carve out a smooth sustainable future for the American people. Trump's own taskforce paints a dire situation: "aggressive and unrelenting- Covid-19" pandemic across America. The US news media reports that more than 251,000 American have died and more that 11 millions are affected by the pandemic.

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