Coronavirus Death Rates Linked to Air Pollution, Says New Study
Coronavirus Death Rates Linked to Air Pollution, Says New Study

Coronavirus Death Rates Linked to Air Pollution, Says New Study The new study was conducted by researchers with the Harvard University T.H.

Chan School of Public Health.

Harvard Researchers, via 'The New York Times' The study found a 15 percent increase in the possibility of death for a person who lived in a county with elevated levels of fine particulate matter.

While health officials have been making such claims, the study is the first to clearly link pollution to coronavirus deaths.

In addition, the study found that just a slight decrease in particulates over the past 20 years in Manhattan would have resulted in 248 fewer deaths due to coronavirus so far.

Harvard Researchers, via 'The New York Times' Harvard Researchers, via 'The New York Times'