Caterpillar Builds a Protective Hat From It's Old Heads!
Caterpillar Builds a Protective Hat From It's Old Heads!

This incredible creepy crawly builds a towering hat from its own heads.

Uraba Lugens, or Gum-Leaf Skeletoniser, is a moth that keeps the shedded head portion of its exoskeleton as it grows as a caterpillar every time it sheds the head portion of its exoskeleton, the exoskeleton stays attached to its body.

It is found in Australia and New Zealand, and nicknamed the Mad Hatterpillar.

The quirky creature was recently photographed by Alan Henderson, of Minifeast Wildlife.

Alan explains: “They are bizarre looking creatures, but the 'hat' does have a funcion, to protect them from predators - they use it to bat away predators such as assassin bugs."