Scene at Kabul Airport Turns Chaotic as Afghans Attempt to Flee Taliban Takeover
Scene at Kabul Airport Turns Chaotic as Afghans Attempt to Flee Taliban Takeover

Scene at Kabul Airport Turns Chaotic, as Afghans Attempt to Flee Taliban Takeover.

A day after the capital city fell to the Taliban.

Afghan residents stormed the Kabul International Airport by the thousands.

President Joe Biden announced on Aug.

15 that an additional 1,000 U.S. troops would be deployed to the city.

In order to facilitate the evacuation of thousands of U.S. officials and civilians.

The "most vulnerable" Afghans will also be evacuated, though it was unclear exactly who would be included.

While U.S. troops commanded control of the airport.

Afghan civilians rushed entrances and boarding gates in an attempt to gain access to two civilian aircraft on the tarmac.

Some attempted to grab onto U.S. military planes as they taxied the runway before take-off.

According to the Afghan Civil Aviation Authority, all civilian air travel in and out of the city has been halted.

It has pleaded with Kabul residents to stay away from the airport.

The location is one of the few places that remains outside of Taliban control, .

Though photos showed armed Taliban members observing the airport chaos.

The U.S. maintained a significant presence in Afghanistan for 20 years.

Since the announcement of U.S. withdrawal, it has taken the Taliban roughly a month to seize every major city