Tulsi Gabbard Ruins Mitt Romney's Treason Accusations with Facts | Direct Message | Rubin Report
Tulsi Gabbard Ruins Mitt Romney's Treason Accusations with Facts | Direct Message | Rubin Report

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Mitt Romney calling Tulsi Gabbard treasonous, Tucker Carlson discussing Ukraine biolabs, Whoopi Goldberg calling for prison time for Russian assets, and Joe Biden blaming Putin for everything.

First, Dave explains the recent Tulsi Gabbard, Mitt Romney controversy concerning US biolabs in Ukraine.

Victoria Nuland may have proven Tulsi right in her recent testimony with Marco Rubio where she acknowledged that the US was trying to keep biolabs in Ukraine from being confiscated by Russia and used for chemical weapons.

Tucker also responded to Mitt Romney’s accusations.

The ladies of “The View” aren’t waiting around for any more clarity on this issue.

They see anyone like Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard talking about Ukraine biolabs, as spreading Russian propaganda.

Whoopi Goldberg reminds everyone that we used to put people in prison for treason.

It’s not just “The View” making treason accusations.

Keith Olbermann and Rep.

Adam Kinzinger joined in the accusations as well.

Finally, Joe Biden wants to blame high gas prices on Putin at the same time that politicians like him and Rep.

Adam Kinzinger are pushing for sanctions against Russian oil which they acknowledge will drive up oil prices and hurt Americans already suffering from inflation.