AOC Hates All Black Supreme Court Justices |  Wants Clarence Thomas Impeached!
AOC Hates All Black Supreme Court Justices | Wants Clarence Thomas Impeached!

The title is inflammatory, but the underlying sentiment is true.

When you are a minority and you do not align with Leftist values, you will be crucified as a traitor to the cause and heaven help you and your loved ones.

While the scorn of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is landing at the feet of the great Justice Clarence Thomas, AOC is big mad about what Virginia, Clarence's Wife, was texting to former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in late 2020.

What she said wasn't at all above board, but apparently that's enough to get rid of the only consistently good Justice on the Supreme Court?

Well, if Justice Thomas was a Liberal, things would be different...