💎🙌🚀Searching For Frontline Children Of The Ukraine War (Christmas Special)
💎🙌🚀Searching For Frontline Children Of The Ukraine War (Christmas Special)

There are many children living on or very near the Russia Ukraine War Frontline.

In this report I go in search of them to find out the real situation they are living in and how bad it is.

In addition to trying to learn about them, I decided to go buy a lot of food and toys and try to make them and their families a little better even if only for one day.

It is very important not to forget about the youth of a war.

Many of these children do not even remember when there was peacetime.

For them, their whole lives have been a big war to stay alive.

This is the closest thing I have to a Christmas special for you.

It felt very good to help these children and their families.