The EU and Germany will give Albania $88 million to turn the capital's 3 main bus lines electric

The EU and Germany will give Albania $88 million to turn the capital's 3 main bus lines electric


The European Union and Germany say they will give Albania nearly $88 million to turn the three main bus lines in the capital Tirana electric, part of helping the Balkan country meet requirements to join the 27-nation bloc. The bloc said Wednesday it will give the Green Transport Tirana project $34 million as a grant while Germany’s KFW Development Bank will loan it $54 million. The Tiarna municipality will also invest $31.6 million. This will be the first electric Bus Rapid Transport system, known as “e-BRT,” in Albania. The Western Balkans countries are at different stages in their applications for EU membership. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has propelled European leaders to push the six to join the bloc.

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