LoveFrom's Jony Ive to talk about creativity at RE:Wired

LoveFrom's Jony Ive to talk about creativity at RE:Wired



Former Apple design chief Jony Ive will be speaking at RE:Wired on November 9, in a talk titled "Designing for the Future We Want to Inhabit."

Ive will be taking part in the RE:Wired event on the first day of the two-day event, in a session moderated by Conde Nast COO Anna Wintour. According to the event's agenda, Ive will talk to Wintour to "discuss his new endeavors, priorities, the very nature of creativity, ideas, and the future of design as he sees it."Ive's appearance will follow his attendance of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. The session will start on November 9 at 12:30 P.M. eastern, and is free to watch as a live stream.


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