Mozilla Releases Firefox 106.0.3



Mozilla has just released a new Firefox update, and just as expected given the new version is a revision to the original build 106, the focus is on bug fixes and improvements. In other words, Firefox 106.0.3 doesn’t come with any new features, but according to Mozilla, it includes a couple of bugs specifically aimed at Windows users. One of the fixes resolves a crash experienced by some Windows users, while the second resolves compatibility problems with Windows 11 2022 Update. Here’s the changelog, as provided by Mozilla:   Fix a startup crash for some users on Windows (bug 1797464). Fixed an incompatibility with the new Windows 11 22H2 Suggested Actions feature resulting in hangs when copying text on a web page (bug 1774285).  Given it’s a revision to Firefox 106, the new release also includes all the improvements and the new features that were part of the main update. For example, the update includes refinements for handling PDF docu...

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