Apple Could Launch a Foldable iPad Next Year



Well-known analyst Ming-Chi Kuo is back with another forecast, and this time, he comes with good news and bad news for iPad users. First and foremost, the bad news. Kuo says Apple is unlikely to unveil any new iPad in the next 9 to 12 months, pretty much because the company has big plans for 2024. An updated iPad mini is indeed expected next year, but worth knowing is that its production is unlikely to start earlier than the first quarter of 2024. However, the most exciting news concerns a new-generation iPad that is also expected next year. Kuo says Apple is working on a foldable model, and as it turns out, it would be ready for debut in 2024. It will integrate a carbon fiber kickstand, the analyst reveals. “Anjie Technology will be the new beneficiary of the all-new design foldable iPad. There may be no new iPad releases in the next 9-12 months as the iPad mini refresh is more likely to begin mass production in 1Q24,” Kuo

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