Worldless Review (PC)

Worldless Review (PC)



I’ve fought quite a variety of enemies while exploring this still-forming universe. Some were entirely melee-focused and relatively easy to defeat once I learned the timing of their strikes and then found the best rhythm for my own character’s attacks. Others used magic so fast that I was unable to avoid them, which made me think I needed at least a new unlocked ability to have a chance against them. My current foe is black and orange and has offensive abilities that mix both physical and magical strikes, making it trickier to execute perfect blocks. The fight is initially balanced as I use a strong melee combo to take chunks out of his health. But the monster then grows sacks full of something that looks like lava, which deals quite a bit of damage when I use my usual physical attack routine. This is a mistake I need to avoid in the future. It then hits me with some strong magic, and I fail to use the shield effectively in time. I’m forced to use magic to clear hi...

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