Reigns: Beyond Review (PC)

Reigns: Beyond Review (PC)



I think this crew isn’t suited to space battles. I can understand how a pirate fleet, with experience and maybe superior numbers, can overwhelm my ship. I will accept that a super-secret organization has tech that will ensure victory. But I cannot deal with the fact that an already damaged vessel with a bounty attached managed to disable our shields, survive a boarding attempt, and then deal enough damage to destroy our reactor. After reviving on the nearest planet, I decide to implement a policy of non-violence. So, we travel forward, landing on a few asteroids where we pick up mysterious coins and plants, and on another planet where we play a concert that’s warmly received. And then the entire crew decides they’re very interested in huffing pure oxygen. I indulge them and we all die soon after. The Sandman brings everybody back and I make a note about indulging the crew’s more niche requests. Another gig and some nice planetary visits happen in quick succession. ...

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