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Monday, June 3, 2024

When will Gyms reopen?

Credit: KIMT
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When will Gyms reopen?
When will Gyms reopen?
How to follow cleaning guidelines

Doors remain locked... but that could soon change.

We're taking a closer look at what it will take to reopen gyms. in president trump's plan to reopen the economy... getting gyms and fitness centers back in action is part of the first phase.

???t news three's zach gilleland spoke with a local gym about what it will take to reopen and he joins us live.xx live rochester athletic club is usually a packed house on days like today..

But the doors have now been closed for over a month... and no one is sure when it will open back up.

But when they do it's going to look a lot different.

The rac and iron physique gym in rochester have been checking in with the state about what they will need to do when they reopen.

Along with shortening hours... they'll have to limit the amount of people entering the gym at one time.

Kelsey beck owns iron physique and brent free manages the rac.

Both said when they open up, you'll notice a lot of changes.xx changes are going to have to be made in how we operate.

We are a 24 hour gym and that's no longer going to be the case because we're going to have to regulate how many people are visiting at one time."

It's going to look different, there's no question about it.

Any health club that opens, reopens when that day is allowed, it's going to look and feel different."

Both said that they adhere to strict cleaning procedures to make sure their facilities are safe for customers.

Live in rochester, zach gilleland, kimt news three./// governor walz stay at home order lasts until may fourth.

There has been no announcement on whether it will be extended past that point.///

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