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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Midmorning With Aundrea - May 4, 2020 (Part 1) [ENCORE PRESENTATION]

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Midmorning With Aundrea - May 4, 2020 (Part 1) [ENCORE PRESENTATION]
Midmorning With Aundrea - May 4, 2020 (Part 1) [ENCORE PRESENTATION]

(Part 1 of 2.

Originally aired April 14, 2020) Many small business owners have struggled to stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic, but some businesses have started to appeal to their patrons to help.

And counselor Leslie Feig joins Aundrea via Zoom to discuss the importance of maintaining mental health during these stressful days.

And we meet a couple of girls of sewing face masks to help out the communit.

Tonight, "alwi with stay at hom orders issued across the country, many small business owners are left wondering how they will survive.

State and federal governments are doing what they can to help but some business owners are now asking their patrons for support.

Danya bacchus explains.

Outside the little door restaurant in los angeles is a sign of hope- but inside- there's an unusual silence that worries general manager mike gannon.

"everyone is goin through it, it's devastating.

We're at a loss.

His empty restaurant-is a familiar scene across the country.

The only orders are take out or delivery.

Most of the staff- let go.

"there are four o us now and there were 48 before."

"literally m business completely came to a halt."

Trina belton is the owner of spa le la, a full service spa that offers onsite childcare- right now there aren't many options for revenue.

"i come here bag u products with gloves and a mask and i hand deliver them to people's houses" while many small businesses are now waiting for emergency loans from the government- they're also looking to the community for help.

01:13 "they need u now more than ever so we're doing our part."

In minnesota, this couple purchased 100 small business gift cards .

Across the nation, virtual tip jars have started to help laid off employees.

"collectivel every little thing helps."

Pat nye with the small business development center network is helping small businesses navigate these uncertain times.

: 03:04 "we'r encouraging people to take advantage of small businesses where they might be able to purchase gift cards&sending flowers, even shopping ahead for occasions like birthdays and holidays if you can.

It's the little things- small businesses hope will help them beat this cris.

Danya bacchus, cbs news, los angeles.

The small business development center network has centers across the country.

They are working to help business owners and entrepreneurs better understand new programs available to them through the cares act.

Many americans are taking up new hobbies to pass the time while stuck in their homes.

As chris martinez shows us, gardening is becoming a popular trend that can also help your mental and physical health.

Nats&"i've got bunch of things here that i've started all from seeds&" aavi haas newest hobby is slowly sprouting new life& nats&"i used an ol oat milk container for spinach&" when her lock down began - aavi decided it was finally time to create the garden she'd long hoped to grow.

Even with limited space - she was able to create both traditional and hydroponic planting stations.

"it gives m something to look forward to, i get to wake up and hopefully see a little bit of progress."

Gardening isn't just a way to pass the time - researchers say it can also help boost your health& "with the obviou stresses and anxieties that we're all facing, this is a wonderful mental outlet&" dr. angela catic at baylor college of medicine - says gardening indoors or out can help reduce stress and cortisol levels.

She says it can also have cardiovascular benefits - especially in older adults.

"just getting out being in the yard working among flowers or vegetable gardening is good for our strength and our flexibility."

Nats& "i've got romain lettuce, more tomatoes&" aavi says seeing the changes in her apartment garden is a satisfying way to mark the days.

"it's a novelty obviously, what i'm doing in my apartment but if i can have some lettuce or tomatoes by the end of this thing i'll be super proud of myself!"

A growing hobby - helping her navigate a trying time.

Chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles researchers also say people who grow their own fruit, vegetables and herbs tend to have a healthier diet.

Advice for isolation.

Counselor leslie fye joins us next on mid if you plan to make a trip to the grocery store or the drugstore, the cdc recommends wearing a face mask.

For a pair of sisters, sewing masks started as a project and is quickly turning into a kitchen table business.

Our savannah gaido has more on the story "since th coronavius has been going on i have been trying to help the community by giving away masks to some citizens and also selling masks for money to get my supplies."

Kiersten and kaylee burnett spend part of each day at the sewing machine.

This is the result.

Masks measured, cut and sewn from scratch.

"well my part o the whole thing that we are doing is i basically have to put together all the stuff, lay it out and just build it up so she can sew it and were trying to help the community by doing this."

They use a variety of fabrics and and patterns so anyone can wear them at anytime.

The sisters are also helping small businesses by buying fabric locally.

"i think it's helpfu since the social distancing and some people don't want to do it as you can tell but i think the mask will actually help like keep all of their germs to themselves."

"i think that by u giving away masks and also selling "i think that by u giving away masks and also selling masks, i think that it'll kind of protect."


Wha does this mean?

During this pandemic, the duo is happy to help in any way they can.

"usually whe everybody calls us, we'll either meet them places or they will come to our house if we know them like that are we'll just ship it to them."

A mask takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

Then kiersten and kaylee are on to the next one.

Right now, the money they make is going back into their business, helping with fabric costs.

The eyes have it.

Now that most of us are wearing a mask when we go out in public, the way we greet people is changing.

That means those we pass may not realize we are smiling at them.

Should we become more expressive with our eyes, our gestures, even the types of masks we wear?

Marlee ginter has a look.

Face masks come in all colors - all patterns - some aren't even face masks at all - take sot 58:36 to 58:38 ahh... leggings, giggles i mean - why not?

If you've got to cover your face - why not have fun with it.

Take sot 58:40 to 58:47 my mom told me i need to wear a mask and i went and there were none anywhere so i had to get creative and i youtubed it.

Take sot 1:07 to 1:11 i mean what are you gonna do?

Everything is out.

You got to make do with what you got.

Take sot 56:56 to 56:59 nicole ochoa no, it's horrible i don't like it but you got to do what you got to do.

Take sot 59:02 to 59:05 allie wheeland yours is scary // this is like 'heyyy' i'm not out to get ya.

But then again - how ácan you really tell what's going on behind that face mask?

Did you just tick someone off - or are they smiling at you?

Take sot 59:40 to 59:42 allie wheeland it's funny, you can't tell the emotion of people behind the mask anymore.

Take sot 56:31 to 56:36 i usually smile all the time and now when somebody looks at me i smile and then i'm like, what?

They can't even see i'm smiling so why bother?

Take sot 55:46 to 55:49 debbie delnero, wearing mask: well i think the eyes smile so i think people know.

Take natsot 2:57 to 3:06 marlee: is it crazy to feel awkward, or is this awkward?

Prof. tim howard: well i don't know if it's awkward but it's definitely a form of expression that's being limited.

Timothy howard is a professor of public relations at sacramento state.

No doubt communication is a bit limited right now - considering we're covering up áhalf of our face ..

But professor howard says there are ways around it - so you get your message across.

Take sot 6:14 to 6:26 prof tim howard: use your physical gestures where you might use your hands, eye contact where you can really get into it and then the voice tone where you can show people your enthusiasm.

Take sot 56:47 wes: this is the new normal now, right?

Nicole ochoa: i guess for now, you got to do what you got to do to keep your family safe, so.

It is the message that billions with a b - billions of people need to hear.

Explaining how ánotá to spread the corona- virus has been an unprecedented challenge around the world.

Many countries are approaching it with highly ácreativeá public service announcements.

Vlad duthiers reports.

Around the world... across diverse cultures... the languages might be different... but the message is the same.

Wash those hands...and maintain social distancing... "i said no hugging, no touching!"

Public service announcements...d elivering potentially life- saving instruction...with a dash of creativity.

In thailand... bts..


Not the k- pop supergroup... but ábangkok train serviceá released this psa showing its employees wiping down handrails.

In iran... comedian danial kheirikhah showed the proper way to wash hands accompanied by a lush orchestral arrangement.

But perhaps...the most popular and catchiest psa was released by vietnam's health ministry&it went viral with more than 5.6 million views and even prompted an epic dance challenge on tiktok..

Even catching the attention of john oliver... "that's a clu banger right there!"

Vd: were you then surprised when this went global?

Qd- of course.

It was like a dream!

Vietnamese dancer quang dang choreographed this global phenomenon.

Qd- & in dark days like this only dance and music can make people connect together vd: what's the first step?

Qd- ...the first step is like this, loading so hot.

It's hot.

And then one, two, three, four // seven, and then you wink, eight.


Soy susan distancia..."

Meanwhile in mexico..

When the government came under criticism for not taking swift actions... a superhero came to the rescue.

"the coronaviru is sweeping over mankind..everybod y must be alert..."

That's ugandan musician turned politician bobi wine with this uplifting psa.

"discipline an personal hygiene... and make sure you wash your hands..keep a distance from everyone!"

No matter where in the world these psa's originated from, their message has brought millions together by asking everyone to keep their distance.

Keep those kiddos moving.

We'll tell you how.

Mom 2 mom

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