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Midmorning With Aundrea - May 13, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - May 13, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - May 13, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) We explore the new illness that has already claimed the lives of at least three children that is believed to be linked to the coronavirus.

And new research suggests that a Vitamin D deficiency can lead to greater sensitivity to the coronavirus

>> yea a mysterious illness in children that may be linked to the coronavirus is turning up in more states across the country.

It's blamed for at least three deaths, and dozens of other patients have it in new york.

Dr. tara narula talked to a mother in illinois whose son became seriously ill.

Package: "it hit so quick.

I was like one minute he was fine and the next minute it's like he woke up with this weird, strange fever."

Sara garcia says her son nolan's health went downhill fast earlier this month.

At one point - his fever almost reached 105 degrees.

When she couldn't get the fever down, she took her 6 year old to the e- r.

"did you have an idea what it could be with those symptoms?"

"i didn't know wha it was.

But my doctor had told me the only real virus going around right now would be covid.

But i was thinking, well, none of us are sick.

We didn't go out.

So i'm not quite sure, you know, what this is."

Doctors told her nolan's coronary arteries were enlarged - a sign often associated with kawasaki disease.

Hours later - nolan tested positive for covid- 19.

"it wasn't typica what you're thinking, covid symptoms. it wasn't a cough.

He was not having a hard time breathing" nolan is one of more than 130 reported cases of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome in the u- s.

Hospitals in 11 states and d-c say they have treated patients.

In new york - where 93 cases are being investigated - officials are warning parents to watch out for fever, rash, and abdominal pain.

"there's spectrum of disease, and so what we are seeing here is probably just the very most severe spectrum of this presentation in children."

Doctor sam dominguez is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at children's hospital colorado.

He says there are several unknowns about this illness - including if it's linked to coronavirus.

"this is a very rar disease and we're working very hard in hospitals around the country to think about this, and our best approach to caring for these children."

"some kids wit this syndrome can get sick quickly.

If you notice any warning signs it is important to call your pediatrician.

Dr. dominguez also told us parents should not be afraid of hospitals, which can provide treatments children need.

Dr. tara narula, cbs news, new york."

For new moms and families, welcoming a baby during a pandemic is proving to be stressful - especially when this time of isolating from others means you aren't able to get support from your family and friends.

Danya bacchus shows us how experts who are usually hands on, are supporting parents from a distance.

Pkg: from birth- "good job, i hea you working jaime, you're doing great" to babyproofing- "ok...hang on&bye& physical distancing and stay at home orders mean the in-person, hands on support parents would normally receive isn't available.

Denise bolds is a doula- who recently helped this new york mother, jaime cruz, deliver her baby- "she's almost her my love, you're so close&cmon honey..

When no one was allowed in the delivery room.

07:45 "usually i'm i the labor and delivery room with that mom or birth person and i'm able to touch them and see, you are using all of your senses now in this virtual time, i couldn't use certain ones so i had to use more hearing, i had to use a lot of intuition.

"how has it bee with you guys in the last few weeks being on quarantine with him?

Jenni june is a certified child and family sleep consultant- 10:23 "any kind o support is critical and if virtual is all we have to go by, then we've got to have it.

Instead of her in home visits-she's working with new parents ingrid and howard cho- "we've been reall struggling with putting him down "we've been reall struggling with putting him down to sleep vi virtually- "they can call me text me, email me, we can get on a zoom call for 15 minutes and that's been really helpful.

In fact, it's every bit has helpful as me being in their home."

"we want to hel moms all over the country regardless of if they live near a professional or not.

Jen saxton-the owner of tot squad-a company that connects parents with experts-is now connecting them with online support.

Nats: her company is virtually helping breastfeeding support, childbirth classes, post partum support are also available online.

Stay- at- home orders may be temporary, but the pandemic could have lasting effects on a generation of children.

Kids across the country have had to adapt quickly to online learning and digital play- dates, as well as the isolation and uncertainty that surround their families.

With the help of their parents, we've asked several kids to keep video diaries of their experiences.

Five year old ác-já lives in illinois.

Seven- year- old lily is from kentucky.

Eight- year- old stella comes to us from texas.

And 11- year- old joaquin is in california.

Script: the coronavirus is just a really bad virus?

And it goes straight to your lungs.

Cj: well the germs have a grey thing in the middle and red stuff sticking out so it can stick to stuff.

Is coronavirus one of the most deadly sicknesses?

I started finishing up a drawing that i've been working on for the past two days.

// .

It's a drawing in spider-man.

I made this empowerment poster and some of the words that i have or like hopeful, determined and honest.

Me and my sister just made a sign for our dad when he gets home.

I drew this rainbow to let people get better that are sick i just hide all these painted rocks all over the place.

People find them and it's really fun.

+++ my mom and dad are working and they are teachers so when they are working and they don't have time to play with me.

I follow this schedule that my mom made to keep me busy during the day.

At home school it's really different from my real school because you get your mom or something as your teacher.

We still have more to do.

: let me see your paper.

I want to make sure.

Oh wow you did.

We're trying to do math here.

Just trying to do some math.

These are some of these are some of the things that i've been doing during the coronavirus to keep me occupied.

Me and my grandma, we planted this orange tree.

But since she's not here with us because the quarantine, i have to take care of it.

We put truffles and and luna over there asking for some food.

In dresses because i want to play dress up and i have no one to play dress up with.

This box fort has lots of rooms. barbies don't have to social distance because they're just barbies.

10 and one thing i worry about coronavirus is that is i might not ... i might not get to see my friends again for a long time.

Ccj: i'm worried about that&making sure that my friends don't get the cornavirus.

Usually on saturdays we volunteer for the animal rescue and that's how we got our dogs.

// so i'm really disappointed that we can't go because of social distancing.

We bike in the drive way because my mom and dad think it's not safe to bike in the neighborhood.

Me and my brother just go to the field by ourselves.

We still stay in shape and we stay healthy.

I am going for a walk with my mom, dad and my dogs it's a great place for getting your energy out and peacefully walking.

What do we like to do?

Run up the hill.

Run up and down the hill.

Cj why are we doing that?

Some exercise?

They announced that there was going to be no school for the rest of the year.

So we'll do home school until coronavirus ends and i am really sad about it am i going to have to homeschool for third grade?

What's going to happen next?

But i just don't want to stay at home for so long because i just want to go to my friend's houses so bad.

I have to do art all by all by myself.

It's still fun, but it's not as i used to do.

End what do you hope for in the future, a pandemic like this never happens, and when this ends, everyone is nice to each other.

12 i really hope coronavirus ends and i get to see my friends again.

The coronavirus is just a really bad virus?

And it goes straight to your lungs.

Cj: well the germs have a grey thing in the middle and red stuff sticking out so it can stick to stuff.

A link between the sun and covid-19?

We'll tell you what as scientists worldwide study the coronavirus, more research is showing that vitamin d, also known as the sunshine vitamin, may play a role in death rates.

Ian lee reports.

Vitamin d is key for maintaining healthy bones..

Not having enough can affect the immune system and inflammation.

Now new research from northwestern university shows patients with severe vitamin d deficiency are more likely to experience serious complications of covid-19 and higher death rates.

Several groups we have identified which have high risk of mortality from covid-19 such as african americans or the elderly, most of them do have very low levels of vitamin d dr. vadim backman led the research.

He says while vitamin d doesn't prevent covid-19, it may help enhance the immune system.

And //prevent the immune system for overreacting to the virus, causing damage organ damage, including lung damage, because of the overreaction to what is called cytokine storm the sun is a good source of vitamin d& and experts say a many people are likely deficient coming out of a gloomy winter..

And now spending more time in doors during the pandemic.

Other studies are looking into the link between latitude, vitamin d and covid-19.

A university of liverpool study shows countries north of the equator experience higher death rates.

A canadian study finds latitude and temperature are not associated with the spread of the virus.

Dr. backman advises patients should talk to their doctor before taking supplements.

But one thing is very clear that if a patient is vitamin d deficient, there are all the benefits to fix this problem he cautions against taking high doses of vitamin d& which can have negative side effects.

Ian lee, cbs news, london.

Restaurants may need to consider airflow in addition to social distancing before they open up indoor seating areas.

New research finds the virus can travel farther than 6 feet if it's caught up in an airstream.

Omar villafranca reports from dallas.

Package: whisk crepes cafe in dallas - a restaurant that once seated about 25 customers, is remaing, like most restaurants in the country - strictly take-out.

"we don't even le them order inside.

They have to order, like, outside on the phone or online.

Nobody comes inside besides-- employees."

It turns out there's a lot to consider when re- opening a dining room.

And not all of it has to do with keeping customers six feet apart.

Some of it has to do with airflow.

A recent study out of china showed how one customer with covid-19 spread the disease to nine others.

But look at the pattern of infection: some people seated at the diner's table and at the one in front and behind were infected.

But nobody at the table next to it was.

When a virus is caught up in an airstream, it has the potential to be-- to move much further than six feet.//i think we need to recognize that it's-- you know, there is no magic cutoff.

And that especially when particles are caught up in airstreams, they can travel further.

Professor kevin van den wymelenberg and five other researchers from the university of oregon and university of california, davis are the authors of a paper focused on minimizing viral transmission in buildings.

Omar: your team has a 3d model of how it may spread.

Kevin: we created a conceptual visualization of how the aerosols may be spreading in that room with-- with a fan that is simply recirculating the air//whether it was an air conditioner//or just a fan moving air, the visualization is really trying to articulate how the particles get caught up in the air and move around the space.

The team created a second animation for the same room, only with an open window omar: you had less people turn red and get sick.//what did opening a window do?

Kevin: right.

So in this conceptual visualization, what we were seeing is that, with increased outside air exchange, through the open window,//particles deposit more quickly and then also be-- exhausted-- from the airstream more quickly.

Fresh air, fewer infections kevin: i think we're all going to be considering our air systems in buildings much more seriously, moving forward, which i think is really important.

Because it's an opportunity to support human health indoors.

And i think restaurateurs will be included in that-- scenario.

As for outdoor dining?

Professor van den wymelenberg says - that - is safer than any indoor plan.

Omar villafranca, cbs news dallas.

Stores in some states are reopening, but weeks of shutdowns saw a big jump in people shopping online.

And it's a trend that could continue.

Nichelle medina looks inside the numbers.

Pkg steven singer jewelers in philadelphia is closed because of the coronavirus but sales continue.

"the online order have skyrocketed, it doesn't make up for the in store orders we've missed but it's nice to see we're able to help people."

Online shopping is growing with millions of stores shutdown.

"april saw a 49 increase in e- commerce sales over march."

John copeland from adobe analytics says sales for electronics jumped.& and leisure clothing got a boost.

"in apparel we'r really seeing a shift to comfort so pajamas increased over 143 percent month over month."

It's not surprising web traffic increased for stores that had to close& but even industries that kept their doors open during the pandemic saw more customers move online.

E-commerce purchases for alcohol increased 74 percent and more people shopped online for groceries& up 110 percent.

02:20 "i think for while it is going to be the new normal even as people begin to leave their homes and go back and start shopping."

That's bad news for struggling brick and mortar stores.

Several recently announced plans to file for bankruptcy.

02:27 "i think wha we are seeing is people getting increasingly comfortable making their purchasing decisions and deliveries online."

It's one shopping trend expected to have a lasting impact on a growing number of businesses.

Nichele medina, cbs news, san diego.

Lots of things of going vitual these days.


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