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Saturday, June 1, 2024

College Basketball Analyst

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College Basketball Analyst
College Basketball Analyst
College Basketball Analyst

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Her thoughtful and expert insight into what happens on the court has her analyzing professional and college basketball games for cbs, and ray comnetwork.

We're happy to welcome back debbie ant nelly.

Thank you for joining us.

>> we're so excited about the weekend and everything going on right now with the special olympics.

>> let's go back to history, and how much did you raise last year?

>> reporter: last year, we raised $85,000, which is incredibly ridiculous for a first-year event.

And i'm happy to be able to do that, and i'm so happy that there are people nationally that gave us a try and donated to the special olympics.

>> that's fantastic, and what is this year's goal.

>> obviously, we're sensitive to the times that we're in, this unique and different time.

And i would like to have the goal be at $100,000.

And that's what we're working for.

But we're a little over $22,000.

And i have another week before i start shooting but if we could get to $100,000, that would be remarkable.

>> that would be fantastic, and i know a lot of people absolutely love special olympics south carolina and a lot of people are out there supporting this organization.

We want to know a little bit more about what you've been doing before we get into what it takes to raise $85,000, we want to hear more about how you've been doing, and also what inspired you to get involved in special olympics south carolina.

>> i've been pretty business.

Since the ncaa didn't happen, it would be my 37th consecutive year with march madness, and i've been fortunate as a player and in my previous jobs to be around basketball for this long.

So i peel very fortunate.

And i have an incredible passion for the game, it has been my career and a big part of my life and a big part of my family's life.

But special olympics is an intrinsically motivated, and i have a special olympic athlete.

I have three boys and my middle son frankie is a special olympic athlete who has many gold medals for multiple events that he participated in.

>> he's also a rising senior at clemson.

>> yes, i'm very excited about how quickly the three years have gone at clemson, but we're in a terrific program that has great leadership from the top at clemson through the president of the university.

And what clemson life, learning is for everyone.

Frankie is a rising senior, and it's an opportunity for students with a disability to have a opportunity.

He's a full-time college student live off campus in an apartment and learning and transitioning into a job just like we want all of our college students to do.

>> i want to hear about his current job.

>> he has a job on campus when he's at school.

So he's working in?

Food services and food court and doing some work in there, but he has had multiple jobs.

He's a dj.

And he's available for gigs.

I won't let him do any weddings but i'll let him do other things, and he also wants to be a fitness instructor, he's a pretty good athlete.

And in good shape.

And we are working toward certifications, so maybe he would like to train you.

Maybe you have 30 minutes of your time and he could take you to a workout.

>> tell him i need.

>> he would love to do t.

>> i would love that.

I have to work out with frankie.

Tell me when he's available.

>> he definitely has a passion to do it.

And it would be a great career opportunity for him.

And he has a couple of tricks up his sleeve.

We have a couple of things for when he graduates.

>> that's awesome.

But when we come back, 24 hours of >> welcome back, and we have been chatting with debbie ant nelly, sports analyst, she's raising money once again for special olympics south carolina with 24 hours of nothing but net.

Last year, she raised $85,000, her inaugural year.

I want to know what it takes to raise $85,000.

>> well, it takes a lot of effort.

And it takes a lot of asking, and it takes incredible commitment to the cause, and i have all of those.

I'm not afraid to ask someone.

If they would just give me a penny for every free-throw i make, that's 24 dollars for special olympics, and if you didn't drav your carp last week because of the pandemic, there's certainly a tank of gas that maybe you could throw our way.

And i love sports, and i love what it can do for special olympic athletes as well.

>> just to put things into perspective, this is free-throw basketballs for 24 hours.

Last year, you threw 2400 free-throws, is that right?

>> yeah, so that's right, i made 100 free-throws on the top of every hour, so i'll start at noon on may 16th, and every hour on the top of the hour, i'll make 24, so that's 2400 free-throws.

Last year, i slept 15 minutes, and i shot 94% which is exceptional for somebody like me who gets aarp mail.

And i tried hard to get ready for this event.

So a lot of burpees, and planks, and i didn't want to let anybody down, and i felt like if i kept working hard and the money kept coming in, i would be able to complete this task.

Not only did i complete it, i complete it at a much higher level than i thought.

And i set the bar too high, lately a.

>> to put your money where your mouth is, to be a basketball and sports analyst and have 94% accuracy, you're perfect for the job.

You can say that about any athlete out there.

If you throw at 94% accuracy, those athletes need to look to you for inspiration.

I want to hear what the details are, and how this year is going to be different and what people need to know.

>> the most important thing, everyone helps, and if you can give a penny, that would be $24 for every free-throw i makeover 24 hours.

The way you donate, you go to 24 hours

And if you want to watch for 24 hours, we are live streaming the event.

On youtube, or you can go to the special olympic facebook site at 24 hours nothing but net and you can watch on facebook.

I'm very excited and i'll be in my driveway, and that's the biggest difference.

I'll be in compliance with state and cdc, and we'll keep the social distancing to regulations and rules, and we'll have a great time.

If you can do something to keep the rain away, that's great.

Because if it rains, i'll still be out there shooting.

>> it's not supposed to rain until sunday.

But saturday, may 16th at noon.

We'll be there.

>> anyone who donates gets eligible to quinn a dr. dish shooting machine.

Which is a machine that i'll be using in my driveway.

My machine, it rebounds and passes to me, and it's a great tool for players who love to play basketball.

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