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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Summer camp guidelines impact student capacity, activities

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Summer camp guidelines impact student capacity, activities
Summer camp guidelines impact student capacity, activities

As the school year comes to a close, summer camp organizers are preparing for new guidelines that will in some cases impact the number of students they can enroll and the activities that are possible.

Surfaces after each use.

The pandemic has made life hard for many families who rely on child care.

But the school year comes to a close-- the state is letting summer camps open their doors.... kezi 9 news reporter chris lueneburg has details on the challenges they are facing.

Nat whole earth nature school says it's summer programs are all about growth and development... nat but this year some parents are a bit hesitant.

"they've been talking to me about how they feel uncertain or they don't feel safe travelling."

The program has been forced to cut it's overnight camps-- and is following many other guidelines.

But none of this has impacted enrollment.

"seeing the outcome of a lot of people coming in and enrolling was not unexpected becasue we've been in contact with our families and we knew there was a need we could fill there.

We just want to make sure to do it in a way that minimizes the risk."

But for other childcare providers-- capacity is a big issue.

"eugene family ymca says keeping kids seperated takes space-- so much in fact that they're holding summer programs in local schools instead of the y building."

State guidelines require students to be in groups of 10-- in different spaces and socailly distant.

That's reduced the y's capacity from 250 kids to around 100.

"you have to keep those kids 6 feet away from each other and that's not easy to do.

Whether we give them rewards, or give them pool noodles, its just a different way of doing things."

Willamalane says it's summer camp activities will largely be individualized-- and everyone will be educated.

"it's all new for everyone regardless of if you are a preschool kid or an adult working.

It's a matter of communicating and educating the kids."

A summer tradition-- still helping kids learn and grow.

"they really feel like their kids need this.

That their kids deserve this."

In eugene, chris lueneburg kezi 9 news.

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