World's Largest Solar Powered Boat - First to Circle Globe - MS Tûranor PlanetSolar
World's Largest Solar Powered Boat - First to Circle Globe - MS Tûranor PlanetSolar

Music: Svadhisthana (Original Mix) by Dhruva Aliman - Amazon - - - - Spotify - ...Tûranor PlanetSolar, first boat to circle the globe with solar power.

In 2012, ‘planetsolar‘, the fully solar-powered catamaran designed by new zealander craig loomes, took a trip around the world energized exclusively by rays from the sun.

This summer, the ship will continue its itinerary by taking part in a campaign to clean up european waters, a project initiated by the waste free oceans foundation that aims to significantly reduce the floating litter in european waters by 2020.

Starting in may, the boat became a scientific platform as part of the ‘planetsolar deepwater expedition.

The project, led by professor and climatologist martin beniston from the university of geneva will retrieve new data and measurements along the gulf stream.

The journey will conclude in reykjavik, repeating a transatlantic crossing in an attempt to break the ‘MS tûranor planetsolar’s’ own 26-day speed record.