Tucker Carlson Tonight 25 Feb 2022
Tucker Carlson Tonight 25 Feb 2022

Ukraine update as Kyiv is being surrounded and this is Biden's fault.

The IIC regime has surpassed every previous administration's record for incompetence.

Tucker presents a series of clips from earlier THIS MONTH describing their economic sanctions as DETERRENCE.

Today, the Idiot stood at the lectern and said that they WEREN'T DETERRENCE.

Does he think we are stupid?

As stupid as they are?

This is unconscionable.

No one's career was ended after Afghanistan, No one's career will be ended because of this debacle.

In fact, they will be promoted and elevated to higher positions of POWER.

Victoria Nuland, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton.

Incompetent, feckless, corrupt FOOLS.

This just out: For three months US Intelligence agencies were providing intelligence to CHINA about Russian preparations for a Ukrainian invasion, asking for their help to convince Russia not to do it.

China rebuffed our efforts and provided the intel to Russia.

And the Marxist MSM and the IIC regime dare to talk about Russian stooges.