Iranian scumbags house in maddington western australia
Iranian scumbags house in maddington western australia

This piece of shit who goes by various names such as sam yavouz,sam gudaz,sam yemis etc and his sult turkish wife are former next door neibours and sam is a former "employer",ripped off elderly next door neibour at 40 ccops ave thornlie,bought a failing wreckers bussiness,said he would employ me and just fuked me around,filled whole backyard i paid rent on with his and tony moisleys car and then said they were mine when shit hit the fan,got eric to say untruthful things about me while they conned him out of his oreila flat they sold and bought this house with,he reports people and bussiness for having unlicenced vehicles etc to crawl up local councils arse but as you can see he does the same himself and council leaves him alone cos he dobbed everyone else in,has lost money in all bussiness ventures he has entered into including dealing meth,was supposedly a cop in iran or east timor but he obviously screwed that up to LOL,he ran away fro me when i tried tom give him the beat down of his lifetime LOL