Skoda talks about safest and most responsible way to transport beloved hounds
Skoda talks about safest and most responsible way to transport beloved hounds

To mark International Dog Day on 26th August, ŠKODA, in partnership with BorrowMyDoggy – a national organisation that connects dog owners with trusted local people to help take care of their dogs – is highlighting how simple solutions can help keep dogs safe on the move.

Of the estimated 9.6 million dog owners** in the UK, ŠKODA research revealed more than seven million travel with their dog in the car at least once a week.

However, just 51% said they always correctly secured their dog while driving, with 14% only doing it some of the time and 9% admitting that they have never secured their dog safely in the car.

The nation’s dog owners spend an average of £4,087.20 on their pooches, with food, pet insurance and edible treats the main outlay, but are risking doubling this cost for not securing pets safely when on the move.

Nearly half (44%) are unaware of current laws around travelling with a dog in the car which can lead to a fine of up to £5,000 and invalid insurance.

According to the Highway Code, dogs need to be suitably secured so they avoid distracting the driver and to prevent injury in the case of a sudden stop.