China Plans More Moon Missions After Finding Potential Energy Source
China Plans More Moon Missions After Finding Potential Energy Source

China Plans More Moon Missions , After Finding Potential Energy Source.

'Newsweek' reports that in 2020, China's Chang'e-5 mission brought lunar samples back to Earth.


Scientists have been studying the samples ever since to determine what comprises lunar dust.


An element known as Helium-3 was found in the samples.

While scientists have known for decades that the stable, non-radioactive isotope exists on the moon, .

Chinese researchers claim to have determined just how much of Helium-3 is contained within lunar samples.

They've also deduced extraction parameters.


Scientists say it is possible that Helium-3 could be used for nuclear fission without producing dangerous waste products.

However, 'Newsweek' reports that a working fusion reactor would have to be engineered before any of this could become a reality.

'Newsweek' also reports that another diamond-like mineral, Changesite-(Y), was found in the lunar samples.


'Newsweek' also reports that another diamond-like mineral, Changesite-(Y), was found in the lunar samples.