Vedic Empire - Celebration
Vedic Empire - Celebration

A half hour feature on past Vedic Empire Events.

Starting in March 1997 till June 2015, Vedic Empire Events were one of the most popular productions in Honolulu, Hawaii.

With the help of Atmarama Diaz, N.

Kalia and Sri Mckee, Vedic Empire Events took Hawaii by storm.

Bringing Culture Back to Life by bringing it out of the Temples and Museums. Vedic Empire also introduced many artists such as the Shakti Dance Troupe and popular local Djs (Faisal Patel, son of India's late Ahmed Patel, often Djd at our events as well).

Through these events, Vedic Empire highlighted many cross cultural connections such as between the Hawaiian God Kane and Lord Krishna.

Also the talents of Willow Chang and Kunti Devi are presented.