Iceland Volcano Erupts, Germany's Truckers Join Farmer Protest & a Coup in Poland! 1/14/24
Iceland Volcano Erupts, Germany's Truckers Join Farmer Protest & a Coup in Poland! 1/14/24

This Week's World News Report- A new volcanic eruption began in the early morning just north of Grindavík, Iceland sending magma flowing.

The eruption marks the fifth on the Reykjanes peninsula since 2021.

German farmers took their tractors to the streets this week and they were joined by truckers who see the government waging a war on farming.

American Journalist Gonzola Lira has died in a Ukrainian prison, abandoned by US officials.

What is going on in Poland?

An internal power struggle has erupted and we will break down the latest.

All of that & much more in This Week’s Top World News Stories!