According2Sam #181 'Middle of Two Rivers'
According2Sam #181 'Middle of Two Rivers'

The name Mesopotamia means, "middle of rivers".

It refers to the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which is present day Iraq.

This area is also known as the 'Fertile Crescent', the "Levant", and by many other names.

It is also known as the "cradle of civilization", and human beings have been creating cities, nations, and empires in this area for 7000 years, or more.

Many wars have been fought in the land of the two rivers, and it is still an active warzone to this present day.

This region has been a burden to the United States, the world, ever since George Bush invaded in 2003, and we are still dealing with that decision.

Colin Powell famously told Bush before he invaded, the Pottery Barn Rule, "If you break it.

You pay for it." Well, he broke it, and we are all still paying.

Who are the latest to pay with their lives?

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