enjoy Christ as God, man and as our necessities
enjoy Christ as God, man and as our necessities

Lord Jesus, we come to You to enjoy You as the rich soil into whom we're rooted.

Thank You for being the very God and also for being man!

Amen, Lord, we want to enjoy You as our Apostle, the One sent from God to teach us and bring God's word to us.

Speak to us today.

Convey to us the message of God and bring us into the desire of God's heart.

We take You as our Prophet.

Make the desire of God's heart become the desire of our heart.

Bring us back to God to enjoy Him with all His riches.

Amen, Lord, we take You as our Counselor.

We open to You.

We bring to You the things we don't understand.

We open to You concerning what to do.

We take You as our inner Counselor who comforts us, counsels us, and shepherds us.