Africa: Ntaganda, Gbagbo, Al-Mahdi - Decoding Two Appeal Decisions and a Symbolic Reparation At the ICC

Africa: Ntaganda, Gbagbo, Al-Mahdi - Decoding Two Appeal Decisions and a Symbolic Reparation At the ICC


[] This week at the International Criminal Court has been rich in - mostly symbolic - important events: the confirmation of the acquittal of former Ivorian President Laurent Ggbagbo, the confirmation of the conviction of Congolese militia leader Bosco Ntaganda, and the distribution of a symbolic one euro reparation in the case of the jihadist Al-Mahdi by the Trust Fund for Victims to the community of Timbuktu, Mali. In this new podcast, our partners from Asymmetrical Haircuts help us deciphering, in particula

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