Vanar's Vision for Mainstream Web3 Gaming Comes to Life With Viva

Vanar's Vision for Mainstream Web3 Gaming Comes to Life With Viva



*LONDON, UK / ACCESSWIRE / April 2, 2024 /* In the world of gaming, something big is happening. Vanarchain, a company known for its advanced blockchain technology, is stepping into GameFi. This big move puts Vanar at the forefront of using blockchain in gaming. But there is more - they're teaming up with a big name in traditional gaming, Viva Games, to make this happen.

Vanar isn't just any tech company. It's known for its super-smart blockchain platform, like a playground for developers. This platform isn't just about techy stuff; it's user-friendly, which means even big names like Google Cloud are paying attention. It means anyone, from big companies to small developers, can use Vanar to make their games more engaging. And now, they're bringing these possibilities to mainstream gaming.

Now that Vanar has its sights set on GameFi - a blend of gaming and finance, where gaming excitement meets blockchain innovations. And guess what? They're not doing it alone. They've teamed up with Viva Games, a heavyweight in the gaming industry with over 700 million game downloads. Viva isn't new to the game; they've worked with some of the biggest names, like Disney, Hasbro, and Sony.

This partnership is about making it easy for gamers who know and love traditional games to get into Web3 gaming. Vanar and Viva Games don't want to make people feel like they're stepping into unknown territory when they leap into a world where their gaming experience is powered by blockchain. This transition is smooth and exciting with Viva's know-how and Vanar's tools like SSO and web3 economy.

Here's what Jawad Ashraf, the CEO of Vanarchain, says: "Vanar is focused on the mainstream, with billions of consumers in entertainment. Gaming on Vanar is a focus, and our exciting partnership with Viva allows us to bring in millions of traditional gamers into web3 in a natural way." This partnership isn't just about making new games; it's about changing the game for everyone.

To make this all work, Vanar has created a special set of tools for it's Games Ecosystem. Think of it as a toolbox made explicitly for gaming. It's got everything a game developer needs in web3 - special marketplaces, virtual spaces, wallets, avatars, and even a way to connect to a network of games. These tools are specially designed for gaming and are super easy to use. They're perfect for game developers who want to step into web3 but don't want to start from scratch.

This is a big step for Vanar in the video game industry. By focusing on GameFi and working with big names from traditional gaming, Vanarchain shows they're serious about bringing blockchain technology to more people. They're not just following trends in blockchain but leading the charge in changing how we play games.

Vanar's vision, along with their partnership with Viva Games, is set to impact gaming. They're not just introducing new technology but changing how we experience games. This isn't just a technical update; it's a new way of thinking about and playing games. With Vanar's move into the GameFi market, we're seeing a big leap forward for the gaming world.

*Media Details:*

Company Name: Vanar Chain
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PR Rep: Rachel Alidoosti

*SOURCE:* Vanar Chain
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