Forspoken Review (PS5)



Forspoken is the first major game release of the year, that has managed to make quite some waves, but not the way the developers or the publisher would have wished for. The myth of Square Enix only bringing excellent games to its audience vanished a long time ago, but this action adventure with minimal roleplaying elements seems to be a bite that really got stuck in the throat of the legendary publisher. Read on to find out where this trip down the rabbit hole went awry. Although set in a fantasy world, Forspoken starts in the most mundane way possible with just another young adult who has fallen through the cracks of society ending up in front of a judge who sees potential in her. Alfre Holland is 21 years old, and she has to fight her way through the challenges of living on the streets of Hell’s Kitchen as an orphan who has no one to count on. Her only support is her cat, Homer, who is presented as a short innuendo of things that are to come. Hint: cats, many cats...

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