Today’s Android game and app deals: Terraforming Mars, Crying Suns, Forager, more

Today’s Android game and app deals: Terraforming Mars, Crying Suns, Forager, more



Much like the iOS side of things, Google Play is now offering up a sizable collection of top-tier Android game and app deals for the holidays. Be sure to check out the ongoing offers on the SteelSeries Stratus Duo Android controller and Turtle Beach’s Switch-style Atom model as well as discounts on the OnePlus 10 Pro 5G and the Samsung Galaxy S22/+, but for now it’s all about the apps. We are tracking loads of amazing titles on sale including BATTLESHIP, One Deck Dungeon, Templar Assault RPG, Crying Suns, Heroes of Steel RPG, Terraforming Mars, Forager, and more. Head below for a complete look at all of today’s Android game and app deals. 


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