Police Officer Proves Hand Sanitizer Fumes Can Put Drivers Over BAC Limit (Realpress)
Police Officer Proves Hand Sanitizer Fumes Can Put Drivers Over BAC Limit (Realpress)

ORADEA, Romania— — A Romanian police officer demonstrated how alcohol vapors from hand sanitizer can result in a driver’s blood alcohol content registering over the legal limit.Octavian Pertea, an officer from the city of Oradea who works for the police department in Bihor county, filmed the experiment and shared it on his YouTube channel in October.In the video, Pertea performs a breathalyzer test before getting into his car, which showed his blood alcohol content as zero.

The officer then enters the car and pretends to be a civilian who has been pulled over during the coronavirus pandemic, putting on his face mask and using a gel sanitizer to clean his hands and legal documents.
