Meanwhile Here On Earth - James & Joanne Clarkson
Meanwhile Here On Earth - James & Joanne Clarkson

Monday February 27 on "Meanwhile, Here On Earth," the rebroadcast of my interview with James and Joanne Clarkson.

Jim has been an investigator for more than 45 years, in criminal justice, law enforcement, child endangerment, and UFOs.

He served as the MUFON State Director for WA from 2007 until 2017 and has investigated over 1,500 reported UFO encounters.

Jim has lectured both here and abroad, but in 1993 a woman named June Crain happened to attend one of his talks, and in the course of doing so, changed both of their lives forever.

Her life story is the basis of Clarkson's best-known book, "Tell My Story: June Crain, the Air Force & UFOs." It chronicles her years working in top secret laboratories at Wright Patterson AFB when she was young and corroborates evidence in support of UFO Crashes and Cover-ups.

The second hour of the show we'll be joined by Jim's wife Joanne, a lifelong psychic, registered nurse and hospice nurse, and award-winning poet.