Summer Solstice: Explained by Practicing Wiccans
Summer Solstice: Explained by Practicing Wiccans

Summer Solstice:, Explained, by Practicing Wiccans.

The summer solstice is the first official day of summer and the longest day of the year.

For Wiccans, and people with other nature- based beliefs, the solstice is known as Litha.

A spiritual celebration of the sun's power.


Apartment Therapy spoke with several practicing witches to understand more about the Pagan holiday.

This has historically been a day when solar power is honored and exalted.., Gabriela Herstik, a practicing witch and the author of the guided journal, 'Embody Your Magick,' via Apartment Therapy.

... when we get to connect to the revitalizing and reenergizing spirit of the sun, Gabriela Herstik, a practicing witch and the author of the guided journal, 'Embody Your Magick,' via Apartment Therapy.

According to Herstik, it marks a time when the Holly King defeats the Oak King.

An indication that the nights will grow longer.


Shawn Engle, an author and the founder of Witchy Wisdoms, says the summer solstice focuses on joy.

Abundance and the interconnectivity of all living things.

In Celtic tradition, people would make a headdress out of oak leaves in honor of the Oak King.


Apartment Therapy suggests using this time to connect with nature and others to express gratefulness and reflect.

For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, the solstice takes place on Wednesday, June 21, of this year