FREDDY VS JASON 20 Year Anniversary Watch Party - Mind's Eye Theater
FREDDY VS JASON 20 Year Anniversary Watch Party - Mind's Eye Theater

It's Blood Sports and War Games in the Horror Arena of the Mind's Eye Theater.

In this corner we've got the Springwood Slasher and Dream Master himself with a mean right hook, Freddy Kreuger!

And in this corner we've have the Unhappy Camper, Crystal Lake's prodigal son, Jason Voorhees!

In the battle of the Terror Titans, as your Horror Host, Inkarnate, it's my pleasure to serve as the official in this match.

In a fight for the ages, this showdown was over 20 years in the making by the time of release so it's only fair that 2 decades after debut that this film get the revisit and the platform that it deserves.

It's appropriate that the fight between two killers was even too big for hell itself because all hell ia about to break loose.

Place your bets!