Kevin McCarthy Is Out/Trump Trial Stupidity/Trudeau ❤️s Nazis/Trevor Bauer Win w/ VivaFrei | 10.4.23
Kevin McCarthy Is Out/Trump Trial Stupidity/Trudeau ❤️s Nazis/Trevor Bauer Win w/ VivaFrei | 10.4.23

Tonight, we have a very special guest for y’all!

We have the one and only VivaFrei to talk about a plethora of topics.

We will talk about his upbringing and how he became the content creator he is today, as well his opinions on the trending news of the past couple days.

With him having a background in the Law and being from Canada, we figured we would center our topics around that as much as possible.

We discuss the obvious huge story of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Ca) being voted out of his Speakership by 8 deserting Republicans and the entirety of the Democrat side of the House.

We also discuss the Canadian House Speaker and House inviting and applauding an actually SS Nazi, and Trudeau being a twatwaffle.

We also discuss the recent ex-Los Angeles Dodger Pitcher Trevor Bauer finally speaking out about his lawsuit and the allegations made by gold digger Lindsey Hill; the recent Trump fraud trial in New York; and we discuss how much of an idiot Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt is and how blatant it was on the recent PBD Podcast episode.

Should be a great episode!!