Oakdale Resources hosts site visit to new project adjacent to Julimar PGE-nickel-copper discovery

Oakdale Resources hosts site visit to new project adjacent to Julimar PGE-nickel-copper discovery

Proactive Investors


Oakdale Resources Limited (ASX:OAR) has hosted a site visit at its Crown PGE-Nickel-Copper Project, a potentially company-making project near the Julimar discovery of Chalice Gold Mines Limited (ASX:CHN). The company is securing the project within the Yilgarn Craton and only around 45 minutes from Perth’s CBD, through a Binding Acquisition Agreement to acquire 100% of Australian Precious Minerals Pty Ltd (APM). Crown covers a series of prominent magnetic structures similar to and extending from Chalice’s Julimar Complex and which have not been drill tested. Initial site visit Company personnel along with a geological consultant conducted the initial site visit to investigate land access and land use in the area, with particular focus on the eastern-most magnetic high based on the lower density of rural lots. The participants observed metamorphic rocks in outcrop along Blue Plains Road and these could be seen to continue into the adjacent property to the south coincident with the respective magnetic high. Access discussions Oakdale has identified local landholders and is making contact for discussions around property access for mapping and rock chip sampling in the short-term, followed by geochemical soil sampling and perhaps drilling in the future. The aim is to identify geochemical soil anomalies that provide evidence of ultramafic sequences within and around the greenstones observed at roadside. These results would then guide the design of drilling to target potential host lithology and possible polymetallic massive sulphides, similar to the layered ultramafic intrusive discovered at Julimar to the east. Location of the Crown tenement in relation to Chalice Gold Mine tenements. Crown is on a 93 square kilometre exploration licence and lies at the western edge of Yilgarn Craton. Basement geology is poorly explored and previously misunderstood, with the Global Survey Western Australia failing to identify the intrusive complex, instead having interpreted Julimar as granitic. New PGE-nickel-copper province Chalice’s exploration successfully tested the potential of a mafic-ultramafic layered intrusive complex based on high-resolution magnetics and considered it prospective for platinum group elements, nickel and copper despite not ever having been explored for these metals. This region has been demonstrated by Chalice to be an entirely new PGE-nickel-copper province with the potential for multiple Julimar analogues and extensions. Given the success of this theory in practice that led to the Julimar discovery, Oakdale is keen to apply the same techniques and analysis against the data collected from Crown. Work underway Since executing the agreement, Oakdale has begun work with the enhancement of existing government geophysical data in the local area which exhibits a strongly magnetic response. The weaker responses are also of significant interest given the likelihood of reduced magnetism in contrast with increasing metamorphic alteration possible with closer proximity to the Darling Scarp. Magnetics over aerial with tenure. Oakdale views acquiring APM and Crown as being “transformative for the company”. Executive chairman Chris Gale said: “This acquisition is exceptional value and puts Oakdale well and truly in strike of a significant PGE-nickel-copper-gold project, given the location and geological setting in the Yilgarn. “This is rich ground and we expect there will be multiple targets to uncover.”

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