Woman asked to 'leave the hospital immediately' as she refuses to wear a face mask

Woman asked to 'leave the hospital immediately' as she refuses to wear a face mask

National Post


The anti-face mask supporters seem to be on the rise as another woman who appears to be a face-mask denier, was denied medical treatment upon refusal to wear a face mask inside a hospital.

On Saturday, July 4, a woman in Toronto went into an emergency room at St. Joseph’s Hospital to seek medical treatment for a “suspected broken finger.” However, medical staff at the hospital told her that the Ministry of Health has ordered face covering for everyone who is inside a hospital. But the woman did not take that well and started filming at the scene.

Letitia Montana, an insurance advisor, who claims to be a ‘truther’ and ‘freedom lover’ on twitter, was visiting the hospital with her child when the incident happened. In the video, Montana is seen questioning the nurse that a patient is being denied medical assistance just because they’re wearing a face mask to which the nurse responds in the affirmative. They told her that official orders have been issued which require everyone to wear face masks, especially inside a healthcare facility.

Went into the Emergency Dept. at St Joseph’s Hospital in #Toronto for a suspected broken finger. I was asked to wear a mask, which I refused to do. As a result, hospital staff asked me to leave and immediately called 3 security guards to escort me out. #filmyourhospital pic.twitter.com/7KlDa11udk

— Letitia Montana (@LetitiaMontana) July 5, 2020

After posting the video which now has thousands of comments and retweets from people who are calling her out for being irresponsible all the while, appreciating the nurses who ensured the safety of patients at the hospital.

· COVID-19: Toronto, Peel region to make masks in public mandatory, mayors announce
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But it didn’t stop her and on Sunday she shared another video, this time one that alleges that face masks are not required to contain a virus and has no health benefits. Montana wrote that all of this is part of “media’s propaganda.”

This 2-min demo shows just how effective face masks are: https://t.co/xq7bnTacsy

— Letitia Montana (@LetitiaMontana) July 5, 2020

“Twitter, I appreciate the attention though frankly, I cannot respond to close to 4,000 replies on my recent tweet. It’s sad how well the mainstream media propaganda is working. I thought we were doing better. In any case, I wish you all well,” she tweeted.

-*Twitter reacts *-

Montana’s video, which has since become viral did not receive appreciation. In fact, people were calling her out for irresponsible behaviour and the possibility of endangering other patients at the facility. Many pointed out that “filming inside a hospital is not allowed as it violates the privacy and confidentiality of patients who are at their most vulnerable.”

While some tweets addressed the issue seriously, others had a comical take on it.

Glad to see the hospital I trained at has their priorities straight:
✅protecting vulnerable patients from those who think infection control doesn't apply to them
✅enforcing health privacy regulations by not letting you film a hospital

— Michelle Cohen, MD (@DocMCohen) July 5, 2020


— notthemama54 (@40acrewoods) July 6, 2020

You’re doing “human” poorly.

— John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) July 5, 2020


The hospital is being responsible.

— Jodie Moss (@JodieHMoss) July 5, 2020

-*Toronto mandates face masks *-

Last week, Toronto City Council and Toronto Public Health announced the possibility that face-covering might be made mandatory in public places. After a unanimous decision, the bylaw will be in effect from July 7, requiring everyone who visits grocery stores, retailers, salons and the likes to wear a face mask. However, Tory clarified that no aggressive measures will be taken against people who fail to comply.

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