Arab League Praises Saudi Green and Middle East Green Initiatives

Arab League Praises Saudi Green and Middle East Green Initiatives


(MENAFN - Saudi Press Agency) Cairo, March 28, 2021, SPA � Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Ghiet praised the two initiatives announced by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, to protect land and environment. Aboul Ghiet stressed that this approach reflects awareness of environmental degradation issues and commitment to the sustainable development goals. In a statement issued today, he pointed out that the initiatives show the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's keenness to play a pioneering role in addressing international issues, and a continuation of its efforts during its presidency of the G20 last year. Aboul Gheit added that the environmental issues addressed by the recent Saudi initiative, such as raising vegetation, reducing carbon emissions, combating pollution and land degradation, are all important priorities on the global agenda in the next phase. --SPA 23:24 LOCAL TIME 20:24 GMT 0035 MENAFN28032021000078011016ID1101824009

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