Iran to import 140 MW of electricity to meet domestic power need

Iran to import 140 MW of electricity to meet domestic power need


(MENAFN)The country is going to import 140 megawatts (MW) of electricity from Turkmenistan to convene domestic power requirement, according to Iranian Energy Ministry's Spokesman for Electricity Industry Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi. Some 140 MW of electricity are going to be imported from Turkmenistan at the first stage, that will encounter the power need of some part of Khorasan region (northeastern Iran), he further declared. Some 3,000 MW is contributed annual to the country�s power generation capacity, the decrease in the rainfalls and the drop in the water storage behind the dams declined the electricity generation offsetting the added capacity, Iran's Power Generation, Distribution, and Transmission Company, stated the managing director of Tehran Electricity Distribution Company. In the last ten years, constant temperature increasing and the major drop of rainfalls across Iran put the country in a hard situation regarding electricity supply in highest consumption periods.

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