Strawberry Media Founders Reveal Marketing Secrets To Grow Your Business in Today's Digital Age

Strawberry Media Founders Reveal Marketing Secrets To Grow Your Business in Today's Digital Age



Strawberry Media is a performance-driven creative agency that elegantly blends strategic branding and tactical marketing to deliver optimal results for businesses.

Toronto, Canada, Jan. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Kingsley Noworyta and Baron Belalov — the two minds behind Strawberry Media — have seen a shift in marketing that demands attention. No longer can companies dish out empty promises to customers and expect the same results. Consumers are smarter, and it’ll take the right tactics and centring the customer to truly get their attention. As they’ve built a successful agency of their own, the two have compiled marketing formulas that’ll craft irresistible offers to consumers.

Strawberry Media is a performance-driven creative agency that elegantly blends strategic branding and tactical marketing to deliver optimal results for businesses that are looking to grow their bottom line. Kingsley is Cofounder and Creative Director, with a background in creative advertising and a specialized focus on design and branding. Baron is Cofounder and Head of Growth, with a background in banking and finance and has always been driven by numbers.

“Marketing for today requires an interdisciplinary approach,” says Kingsley. “The conventional ways of the past no longer apply to the current digital landscape. Consumers have begun to see through all of the empty promises they’ve been sold in the last decade and are tired of seeing the same old tactics poorly implemented over and over again. If your online presence doesn’t distinguish between what your brand offers from what your competitors do, you will lose.”

"But to that point, using the right tactics is also important," adds Baron. “A good marketer's job is to simply create a bulletproof sales pitch for you — marketing simply multiplies the effect of a sales pitch on a grand scale. Without implementing the right tactics that have been proven to work time and time again, you won't inspire your audience to take the desired action."

For example, if you're running a YouTube or Facebook ad that's viewed by 100,000 people, that's 100,000 chances to give your best sales pitch to 100,000 prospects — who are all seeing and hearing your ad via one-on-one communication.

So what would you say to all of those people if you only had, at most, 15 seconds to grab their attention?

Here are a few tactics Strawberry Media uses for crafting irresistible offers:

Tactic #1: *Craft a headline that creates irresistible intrigue to grab reader's attention*. Marketing legend David Ogilvy himself said that ‘On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you've written your headline, you've spent eighty cents out of your dollar’. Using emotional trigger words like "exposed", "revealed”, and "secret" does the trick, as it easily sparks curiosity.

Tactic #2: *Use numbers in your headline to give readers a tangible object or logical idea to wrap their head around*. Would you rather read "5 Crucial Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Divorce Lawyer" or "Some Helpful Information About Hiring A Divorce Lawyer"?

Tactic #3: *Show them what's in it for them*! Your offer should only be about them and the desired outcome to their burning issue, not about you. Show them how they'll learn simple tips that will help them solve their problem, or what their desired outcome looks like — essentially, the payoff the reader gets in exchange for offering you their name and email for future marketing communications.

Baron saw businesses making this crucial mistake time and time again, “...trying to sell themselves to their target audience. ‘Hi, we’re so and so and we’ve been doing this thing since 1984’. Sorry to break the news, but nobody cares! The truth is, people only care about themselves — so rather than trying to sell yourself, you should be tactically and relentlessly positioning your solution instead.” Here are a few examples:

1) How To [Desired Outcome] Without [Unpleasant Action]: “How To Get Featured on Large Publications Without Guest Posting.”

2) [Number] Proven [Actions/Ways] to [Achieve Desired Result] Fast!: “18 Proven Techniques to Build More Muscle Fast!”

“The way to make this work is to position your solution in a way that differentiates you from your competition,” Kingsley says. “If you don’t strategically apply the right brand messaging and styling to your offer, your target audience won’t have any reason to choose your solution — and you’ll be stuck competing on your price rather than your value.”

This is where strategic branding comes into play. Although tactics are great to garner attention, the strategy is important to maintain that attention while building your authority, establishing trust with your prospects, alleviating their skepticism, and maximizing the bottom line effect of your marketing efforts.

Here are potential strategies Strawberry Media suggests to maintain a consumers’ attention:

Strategy #1: *Figure out your brand messaging*. Who needs you most, and how do you want them to perceive you? Align what you say and your tone of voice with your target market, and the identity you wish to create for yourself.

Strategy #2: *Establish a consistent visual identity and style for your brand*. What and how do you want your target market to feel when they see your content?

Strategy #3: *Create a valuable and engaging content strategy*. This is where you bring your brand messaging and styling together in a way that is unique to you so that you can build a relationship with a portion of your overall target market that is within your niche.

In this digital age, it is imperative to combine strategic branding and performance-driven tactical marketing to maximize the results of any funnel or campaign. This is why Strawberry Media insists on beginning each and every single project with an open mind, curious spirit, and without any preconceived notions — and they encourage you to do the same.

Strawberry Media

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· Strawberry Media

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