When will Windows 11 ship? Here's what we know

When will Windows 11 ship? Here's what we know

PC World


Microsoft has announced Windows 11, stating that its next operating system will ship sometime this holiday season. Assuming that’s true, when will Windows 11 begin shipping to users? Microsoft may have left clues that it’s happening this October.

We already know that Microsoft will ship Windows 11 in beta form for Windows Insiders, because we’ve already gone hands-on with the official Windows 11 build from Microsoft. 

But as Microsoft is sometimes wont to do, it may have left the answer to “when will Windows 11 ship?” right in front of our faces. Credit to The Verge on this one: Microsoft’s event featured an example message via Teams talking about “turning it up to 11” in October. But the real hint may have been in the screenshots that Microsoft posted as examples of Windows 11: Most, if not all, included dates in the corner that recorded the time as 11:11 AM on Oct. 20, 2021.

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