Boomerang X Review (PC)



Launch a quick attack to take down two spiders, happily catching a flying enemy on the return trajectory. Hold to charge and then throw far up, teleporting to the location to gain a better shot at another enemy. While there I realize I don’t actually need to kill him to end the wave. So I teleport again to my weapon, take out a cluster of too close enemies, and then hunt for the marked spider that will end this battle. Can you call a video game a shooter when the killing tool is always a boomerang? Boomerang X is a game developed by DANG! and published by Devolver. I played on the PC via Steam and the game is also available on the Nintendo Switch. The title mixes action and platforming in some very cool ways. At the center is a boomerang that the protagonist picks up very quickly and spends about one hour learning to use. Yes, it does the classic boomerang thing of hitting a target and then returning to the hand. But there’s a ton more it offers and each of the opt...

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