DuckDuckGo to Launch Desktop Browser, Obviously Focused on Privacy



Privacy-obsessed DuckDuckGo is getting ready to release its very own desktop browser that will be entirely built around advanced privacy controls offered to users. In an announcement published recently, DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg explains the purpose of the browser is to provide users with a very straightforward experience that doesn’t include any complicated configuration settings. The privacy focus will obviously be maintained, and Weinberg says the company will try to stick with the same approach it used on mobile but upgraded to power a browser which can easily serve the daily needs of users out there. “Like we’ve done on mobile, DuckDuckGo for desktop will redefine user expectations of everyday online privacy. No complicated settings, no misleading warnings, no “levels” of privacy protection – just robust privacy protection that works by default, across search, browsing, email, and more. It'...

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