What Is Smart App Control in Windows 11 Version 2022 Update?



Windows 11 version 2022 Update comes with a long list of great features, including not only tab support in File Explorer and Android app support through the Amazon Appstore, but also a new security feature called Smart App Control. Just like its name suggests, Smart App Control is supposed to prevent malicious apps from running on your device and then compromise your data. However, this isn’t an antivirus feature but rather a tool bundled with Windows 11 and supposed to work together with Microsoft Defender from the very beginning. In fact, Microsoft even recommends running Smart App Control alongside Microsoft Defender, and installing the latest updates should help keep everything protected. “Smart App Control adds significant protection from new and emerging threats by blocking apps that are malicious or untrusted. Smart App Control also helps to block potentially unwanted apps, which are apps that may cause your device to run slowly, display unexpected ads, of...

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