Russia stops Dutch Russophobia

Russia stops Dutch Russophobia



Dutch MPs were surprised to find out that they were barred from entering Russia. They wanted to have a "constructive conversation" with Russia, throwing mud at Russia while staying on the territory of Russia, but they were not allowed to. Russia stops Dutch Russophobe Moscow refused to grant a visa to Sjoerd Sjoerdsma, a deputy from the Democrats 66 party, Dutch website reports. The publication quoted the Russian Foreign Ministry, a representative of which said that colleagues from the Netherlands "deliberately" included a sanctioned person on the list of delegates. The Dutch side was informed in advance that including Sjoerdsma in the delegation was undesirable because of his aggressive statements about Russia. However, despite warnings, The Hague deliberately arranged the provocation while being well aware of possible consequences, the statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "That is, (the Dutch) wanted a scandal to break out. They were not striving for a constructive discussion of ways to straighten the Russian-Dutch relations and issues on the international agenda," the Foreign Ministry said.

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