Gal Gadot Recruits Celebrity Friends for Coronavirus 'Imagine' Video
Gal Gadot Recruits Celebrity Friends for Coronavirus 'Imagine' Video

Gal Gadot Recruits Celebrity Friends for Coronavirus 'Imagine' Video As millions around the world have been quarantined by the coronavirus pandemic, Gadot and her famous friends posted their version of John Lennon's song, "Imagine," on Instagram to lift people's spirits.

Gal Gadot, via Instagram Gal Gadot, via Instagram Some of the celebrities who participated include Kristen Wiig, Jimmy Fallon, Natalie Portman, Chris O'Dowd, Will Ferrell, Sia and Norah Jones.

Gadot explained that she was inspired to do this after seeing a video online of a man in Italy playing the trumpet on his balcony to his neighbors who are on lockdown.

She finishes the video with the iconic line, "And the world will be as one."